Give AI your unpleasant tasks, focus on what matters: lawyering.

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Tailor-made AI for lawyers, by lawyers

You have high quality standards and your very own signature, so do we.


Sonate intelligently utilizes your precedents and your firm's distinctive style to efficiently jumpstart new matters, tailoring each project to your unique legal approach


Seamlessly reflects changes across all your dossier's documents, ensuring consistency and accuracy throughout your entire case portfolio


Highlight references and identify potential mistakes, vague terms, missing clauses and undefined definitions, ensuring precision and completeness in your legal work

The only AI seamlessly working with lawyers, not against

Sonate does not intend to replace any art of lawyering, only to streamline the mundane tasks allowing lawyers to focus on their expertise


Hours Saved


AI Agents


Issues Avoided


Mental Bandwith

Sara Gwiazda

Sonate exemplifies service-as-a-software, offering a tailor-made solution that lawyers working on complex matters have always dreamed of during their sleepless nights.

Sara Gwiazda

Co-Founder & CEO at Sonate — Senior M&A Lawyer